Going into fall and winter, garden is at a pretty point!
Wow, a productive Garden Work Day
Scott, Katie, Rebecca and Gabe all pitched in to turnover new beds, weed, spread compost, power harrow, and seed. Using only organic methods, it’s nice to know that we are working in a safe environment free from harmful pesticides and herbicides.
Squash Looking Great!
This variety is melt in-your-mouth-good. Alison cooked some with onions in a pan. WOW!

Katie and Aurora

Best Buddies!
Around the Farm Video
Pretty Fall day at our farm in Suffolk
Around the Farm Pictures

We use organic methods for all our produce.

Looking Good this year. This is our first year growing tomatoes in a tunnel. So far results are great!

Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?
Full Quiver Farm Chickens in Action
Head Lettuce Beautiful
Great Pyrenees Puppy Romp!
Happy Doggies